Business Process Improvement

Expert Services

Business Process ImprovementWorkshops

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At Streamline Co. we developed Business Process Improvement Workshops to help business owners to understand where the problem lies and what is the best approach for fixing it.

While small businesses usually employ a smaller number of people and have less-complicated businesses processes compared to big businesses, it doesn’t mean that they don’t need to improve their internal processes. Business owners are always presented with various opportunities to improve—one of them being business process improvement (BPI).

Business Process Improvement Workshop

The six key steps are as follows

  1. Process identification – to understand which are the processes that need to be focused on
  2. Process discovery – ‘As-Is’ process modelling
  3. Process analysis – identifying and prioritising issues with the as-is process
  4. Process redesign and improvement
  5. Process implementation, including change management and process automation
  6. Monitoring and control – to determine how well the new process is performing

Effective, Efficient & Capable

We help enable business to be more effective, efficient and capable of change by managing the entire business process lifecycle. Highlighting processes as strategic assets to be managed and improved (as opposed to simply routine operation) can deliver value adding products and services to your business.

Don’t let your internal processes stop you from achieving your goals. Get in touch to find out how we can help deliver a bigger and better product or service for your customers.

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